Make-Up Artist.
In our conversion with NickyjStyles we asked, “when did you know you had a passion for make-up and beauty?” “Iv’e always been into Art.” “At the age of 14 is when it all started, that’s when I began to be fascinated with make-up. Although my parents didn’t approve of me wearing make-up at that age, I somehow found my way to get my hands on it. I would be sneaky with the make-up that I did have. I would be in my room and put make-up on, but right when I was done I would quickly wipe it off. Something about Make-Up really inspires me. The way an artist paints on blank canvas to create something out of nothing or a blank face with no make-up on is what inspires me. To enhance someones beauty is what inspires me. Its nice when I get booked and see the women’s reactions. Some women either don’t have time in the day to put make-up on or don’t really have that drive to do anything special everyday, so when I come in to do someones make-up I love to see there expressions. I feel like it make women feel good about them self.”
“Every Girl Deserves A Little Sparkle”
Thanks very interesting blog!
Hi, just wanted to tell you, I enjoyed this post. It was inspiring.Keep on posting!