“The Founder Of The Ladiez Lounge” Speaks on her success [Shardai Jones]

website In the Beginning An Idea Was Born





In the Beginning, An Idea was Born!

Promo Shoot 2


Taking a trip down memory lane is awesome when you are comparing where you started in your business and where you are currently standing! Ahhhh…. that, I hope this feeling last for a lifetime type feeling, while still adhering to that silent void that whispers, “you have more in you….NOW GO!” I listened to my instincts!  I wanted to take my idea and make it something extraordinary and tailored to allow me to truly express myself.  I have always had a passion for writing and this was the perfect opportunity for me to get started.
When the idea of creating a website for women that contained all things fab was born, I started slow and took my time to learn.  I researched different types of websites, web hosting companies and topics for months before I made a single move.  In the process I started a binder and would print information I believed was very important and could possibly use as a guide in the long run, placed it into a plastic sleeve and added it to all the other helpful information I’d come across.  Can you tell how enthused I was?
After extensive research I settled for a social networking platform that I felt was best for The Ladiez Lounge at the time and learned the front and back-end to a science.  It allowed me to “practice” while still being able to fulfill the burning urge to share my personal experiences, have guest bloggers provide advice and connect with women all over the world.  I recently transitioned The Ladiez Lounge from our social networking platform to a resource website to better suit our needs.
I transformed a space in my house into a small office, stocked up on all of the “for dummies” books, how to guides, pamphlets and dove head first into what I needed to do.  I would write blog posts by day and brainstorm a production by night and research any time I had in between.
The idea did not stop at our website; I thought, wouldn’t it be great if we could shoot commercials, host community events, create motivational t-shirts and all sorts of fun things for women in our community?Shardai JFrom that moment on I hit the ground running and all of my goals began to come to life.

I would reach out to friends that were already in the industry and slowly began to build my team.  I must say that this has not been a smooth ride and if you read success stories from established successful business owners, you will learn that there are many obstacles that comes up when following your dreams and many reasons why you should not go forward.  However, with God, persistence and dedication I learned that I could do anything I set my mind to.  Sounds cliché right? You are only limited to the limits you put on yourself!
My secret weapon is to write all of my ideas down, take my time to learn, network and execute.  There are so many resources available to women, so my mantra is to seize every opportunity that suits your business needs!
Thus far it has been a great journey!!! It has not been easy and there are most definitely bumps and unexpected turns that come up in any situation, but ultimately when you know what you want and take it one day at a time, you will reach your goal.  I have a ways to go but I think it’s important to celebrate our milestones and look back on those humble beginnings as motivation to continue!  My little idea has blossomed into something worthwhile and for the first time I can really say that I am extremely proud!!!


Shardai Jones

Founder, The Ladiez Lounge


Photos By: Coco Markee


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